Notice the crack in the foundation. The bush is pushing its roots out. |
The colors of the flowers change as they come in. |
We have to fight it back every year, but it is so beautiful. |
When I
first got started on this project I went around my house and found what I could
to create a border for the planter box. I found three boards and some rocks and
some bricks.
raking of the leaves was difficult because of the fence. I could never get it
tilled the dirt. This was harder than it looks because I am small and weak. I
hate the weeds.
I used
the larger boards of wood in the back to try to prevent weeds from growing from
that side. (In vain, I am sure) I positioned the other long board in the front
and secured it with dirt.
I want to be a tidy gardener so I cleaned up the leaves on the cement. Then I swept and added the rest of my boarder. I will probably do the same to the rest of the garden space but this was enough for one day. I ordered my seeds from, and will be late getting my plants in the ground. I should be okay though, because I live in zone, 8,9 and 14 in California. |
Tri Tip Sandwich with Asparagus |
drizzled oil over the Asparagus and spiced it with salt and pepper.
After the meat was cooked and pulled off the
grill, we let it rest for 5-10 minutes. Then we sliced it really thin to make sandwiches.
We added the grilled onions and bell peppers,and avocado. |
Then add desired cheese. We used Jack. |
I also collected grapefruit and oranges from the tree across the Street from our house. It is over 100 years old! |
I juiced them until I had just under a pitcher full. I added 1 cup of Azucar/ sugar. Stir it up. We added vodka, soda water and ice. Soo good. |
threw in in the broiler for 5 minutes or less to brown and crisp the top. Do
not put top of bread roll on until after the broiling process.