Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Yellow Squash and Red Potato Gratin

This Yellow Squash and Anaheim Pepper came fresh from the garden.
1 Yellow Squash
1 Anaheim Pepper 
1 Cup Mozzarella Cheese
3 Red Potatoes

Slice squash and potato, grate the cheese, and mix and place in tin foil boat.   Mince pepper and place on top. Cover in foil and place a few holes. Place on BBQ for 40 minutes. 

Bonus Garden shot because I forgot to take a pic when the gratin was done.

Trout with Dill Butter Sauce

Step one: catch fish
3 Fish
2 Tbls Butter melted
1 Tbls Dill

To butcher your fish you will need a you tube tutorial. I can say for people comfortable, you snip off fins at the base on all parts and cut the head clean off. Pull out insides and discard. Wash until all blood is gone.

Chop Dill 

Add Dill to Butter

Brush melted butter and dill over the fish

Finished Product. Be careful of bones.

Mango Ginger Chicken

Mango Ginger Chicken

Ingredients for Marinade:                                               Ingredients for Sauce 

2 pounds of Chicken                                                       1 Orange
2 TBLS Brown Sugar                                                     1 Mango
1 Mango cut into small cubes                                         1 clove Garlic
2 TBLS Cilantro                                                             1 TBLS Cilantro
1 TSP Ginger                                                                  1 TBLS Ginger
1 Jalapeno Pepper                                                           1 Jalapeno
1 Anaheim Pepper                                                           2 TBLS Brown Sugar
1 clove Garlic                                                                  1 tsp Salt
2 TBLS Rice Vinegar                                                      1 tsp Red Pepper
1 TBLS Olive Oil                                                            1 TBLS Corn Starch
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Red Pepper
1 Orange

Combine all ingredients for marinade except chicken
Mix together

Combine chicken and marinade for up to 24 hours. Cook up chicken on the BBQ grill and let the mango smoke the meat. Serve chicken with prepared sauce. (Heat the sauce with a tbls of corn starch to thicken it)

Deviled Eggs with Bacon Bits and Toasted Almonds

6 eggs
2 cooked slices of bacon
2 tbls toasted slivered almonds
3 tbls mayo
1/2 teaspoon mustard
1 garlic clove minced
1 tsp lemon
1 tsp oil
1/4 tsp paprika
Place 6 eggs in water and bring to a boil. Then boil for 10 minutes. Rinse in cold water and place in fridge to completely cool.

Peel eggs carefully. Then slice the eggs length wise. Extract the yolks into a bowl and combine with all other ingredients except bacon and almonds. 

Scoop mixture back into egg whites and sprinkle with more paprika. 

Sprinkle bacon bits and toasted almonds on top and serve immediately. The longer the eggs sit out, the worse they become. It is best to eat right away.